Sunday, March 15, 2015

What exactly is SEO (search engine optimization) ?

SEO means to Search Engine Optimization; it is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines or search engine indexing. Search Engine Optimization helps webpage/website to get better position in listing from search engines in their indexing. SEO optimization is done in order to make your website or webpage search engine friendly and understandable.

 Whenever you give a search parameter in a search engine and hit 'enter' you get a list of web results that contain that search parameter term. Users normally  visit websites that are at the top of this indexing as they perceive those to be more relevant and accurate to their query. If you have ever wondered why some of these websites rank better than the others then you must know that it is because of a powerful web marketing technique called Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

 Search Engine Optimization is a technique which helps search engines to find and rank your web site  or web content higher than the millions of other sites in response to a search query or a search parameter given to a search engine. SEO, thus helps you get traffic from search engines and these traffics, this SEO section covers all the necessary information you need to know about Search Engine Optimization - what is SEO, how does it work and differences in the ranking criteria of major search engines.

Let us start with website/domain name. The shorter, sweeter and catchy the name of your site is , the more remembered it will be and the more visitors will visit back and these visitors are called recurring  visitors. Before going any further about domain names i would like to clear the concept of domain and their types here.

There are two type of Domains. One is Root Domains and another is Sub Domains.

 Root Domains is top level order of a domain.Example : or www. are the example of Root Domain. Now Sub Domains is third level order of domain. The flourishing two most common Sub Domain choice are : (www is the sub domain) and (no sub domain).

Domain Name Memorability: To select the domain name, there are a lot of criteria. Among them, some of the important are; you should make the name short,  they should be easy to remember, and easy to type into the browser which play the vital role for SEO.

Keyword-rich Domain: There are two-folds benifit of keyword rich domain:
 The first is, domain name itself is a ranking factor.
The  second thing is, domain name is the text that other internet user will use as anchor text when linking. Since keywords in anchor text are an significant ranking factor this is a vital component for SEO.

Hyphens: Hyphens not underscores plays a vital role in  SEO. Your Domain name must be simple and short and easy to remember and if can sweeter. If your domain name is more than 1 words, you may want to separate the words with hyphen for readability and understanding. But more than one hyphen should not be used in a domain name as it seems little messy with it. Top-Level Domains (TLDs): While registering a domain , webmasters will be given the option to buy additional TLDs. To maximize the direct traffic to a domain, it is forcefully recommend that webmasters should buy domain of .com (commercial) if available. If purchased low quality TLDs in order to increasing traffic it directly impacts  the SEO protocol.

Sub domains or Sub-folders: Search engines save different metrics for domain than the sub domains. So it is important and recommended that webmasters place blogs in sub-folders rather than sub domains. (i.e. rather than

 Domain Registration Length: The time span of your domain registration should be atleast 6 month. However this is not so important factor but it does effect somehow in SEO. Be sure you get a domain registered before putting on your web project or site live in my personal view if could than before a month or five.

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